Senin, 25 Juli 2011


Sweet star fruit (Averrhoa Carambola, L.) is one of the commoditiesflagship in Jakarta. Form a beautiful tree, suitable as garden plants habitusnya narrow. Nutritional content is quite high as a source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Various improvements have been carried out cultivation by farmers, however, still need the guidance and counseling efforts are more intensive in order to increase productivity and quality.

Carambola sweet fit a narrow courtyard planted on land in urban areas or inresidential low-income housing in the suburbs as there are around Greater Jakarta.Form a shady tree with a canopy of trees is not too large, can serveas well as shade trees produce fruit. Even on the front porch plantscan be planted in pots or drums. Large canopy trees, canopy shape, highbranching plants and easy to set up in accordance with the wishes of its owner. Althoughmaintenance of plant habitus is directed to a small or medium, the plants can stillfruitful. Usually the plants bear fruit two years after planting if the seeds originatedgrafting or bud from dial. Predilection has starfruit trees around the housesupported also by the size of the fruit is quite large with shapes and colorsthe contrast between the lush leaves, and can bear fruit almost all year round.Nutritional value-is also quite good, when compared with some fruitswhich is consumed mainly as Cumber vitamin C,

By eating a star fruit of medium size with a weightabout 200 grams, has fulfilled the requirement of vitamin C for an adult per day, ieas much as 70 mg. In scat price or type of sweet orange fruit import prices soaringsuch as depreciation of the rupiah, the need for vitamin C can disubsitusi withstarfruit..PROSPECT OF AGRIBUSINESSDevelopment of farm yard by planting a narrow commercialPotion starfruit quite competitive. Particularly for the consumption of fresh bag] population EstablishmentsJakarta, which amounted to around 9 million (1996), marketing is still open, karmanew local fruit production at a rate of 20% of the total requirement.In terms of agribusiness, plant potions leatherback on the yard quiteprofitable. One potion 5-year-old star fruit can produce fruitapproximately 600 pieces per year. Even if the plant maintenance is done by Balk,and packaging the fruit is done continuously, production could reach 900 piecesPotion per year. When the price of a medium-size star fruit (200 grams) worth Rp. 1000/buahdl location of farmers, meaning that one potion starfruit generate Rp. 600 000 per year.When the cost of fertilizer, maintenance and packing of fruit reached Rp.100.000/tahun, and maintenance of Rp. 100,000,. per year, means the sate treecontributed income of farmers as much as Rp. 500,000, per year / tree. Besidesconsumed fresh, value-added of star fruit can be enhanced through the home industryladder with processed into juice, syrup, jam and candied star fruit.In terms of marketing, particularly in the Jakarta area sufficient means available,ranging from traditional markets to supermarkets who want excellent qualitywith an attractive appearance and packaging. The fruit can be marketed directlyafter picking, planting close to the location of karma marketing, so the fruit is stillin a fresh condition. Similarly, at the same time sorting can be done immediately afterharvest. Fruits are best qualified, self-service can be marketed dl, while thesyrups and other processed to others, or sold in traditional markets.Development of agro-tourism program, is one opportunityvery well for the marketing of Balk, Balk fresh fruit and processed products starfruit.
CLIMATE REQUIREMENTSAccording N.I. Vavilov, starfruit manic classified as tropical plants originating fromIndia, then spread to many tropical countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. DlDemak, according to Rumphius star fruits have been cultivated before 1892. InJakarta, starfruit adapt to balk. Deployment, especially in the Jakarta areaThat most of the land south of its kind Latosol. The success and growthproduction is influenced also by rainfall, sunlight, and wind. Rainfallhave an influence on the formation of fruit. If the rainfall is too high, bungswill fall. In Jakarta the highest rainfall occurred in January and February(Table 2). Rays and star fruit harvest season usually occurs in December and April -May, figs previous month or the stage of flowering, the intensity of rainfall is not toohigh. If the plant can be irrigated with sufficient, starfruit expected to bear fruit inSeptember, although the way falls in the dry season flowering.Climate elements that greatly affect the production of fruit is sun light.Carambola to need direct sunlight to produce well. Whenleaves too dense, the shoots need to be removed that are not productive, so that light canpenetrate the tree canopy. Fruit production will be reduced, in case of high winds,that cause young fruit fall.
VARIETYThat favored farmers' cultivars of Jakarta, is the Goddess varieties. Parent treesThese varieties belong to PT. Goddess Jaya, located at Jalan Raya defense, Pondok Gede Bekasi, andhas been confirmed as star fruit varieties to Jakarta, in 1998.The tree is lush, dawn dark green, oval-shaped leaflets. with the endpointy. Fruit size is large, length 10-15 cm, average fruit weight 250-350 grams.Ripe fruit orange-red, shiny, comprising 5 belimbingan. Belimbingnya thick,with green edges. Farmers in the area of ​​fruit wrapping Jagakarsastarfruit with paper cardboard, so that the green color on the edge of changebecome yellow. When it is fully ripe, sweet fruit flavors and refreshing, butwhen she was young and sepet sour.At the production center in South Jakarta starfruit, also known as cultivars Gods. Formold fruit cultivars Dew], but different leaf shapes and colors, the shapesslender leaves and light green.Other cultivars are widely cultivated in Jakarta is a cultivar of Paris. Demakand Sembiring. Paris varieties, varieties of fruit is smaller than the goddess, the colorrather pale yellow, ripe fruit, fruit-flavored manic although not yet fully mature,whereas the period of flowering until the fruit is ripe is shorter (75 days). There is alsovarieties whose fruits are very sweet, so-called star fruit sugar, but not yetwidely cultivated.
CULTIVATION1. SeedFarmers want a quick fruiting plants, potted plants and Balkplanted in the field. Therefore, farmers usually plant the seeds that come fromgrafting. As a rootstock, seeds taken from ripe fruit that has been filled. Afterplanted in the ground or in pots or poly bags for 6-8 months, typically the size ofstem diameter was greater than for pencil, and slap to diokulasi. Graftingtaken from a variety of production and fruit quality was better as varietiesDew], god, Demak, etc., from trees that have fruit or oldmore than 3 years. Grafting is usually performed at a height of 10 cm from the root of the neck, so thateasy to detect the growth of branches originating from grafting.One year after grafting, the seedlings slap transferred to larger pots or intofield. In addition to grafting, the seedlings can be derived from the grafts, enten, and howpreparation, but it seems the most practical way is the way grafting.2. CultivationPlanting in pots or drums. Pot holes were given water dischargeEssentially, piles of broken bricks and then placed. Next pots filled withgrowing medium consisting of a mixture of soil, manure and sand or chaffwith a ratio of 1: 1: 1. By karma in Jakarta there Bering termite attack,then around the planting hole, mixed media with Furadan or Curater - 3G,as much as ± 20 g to ± 5 kg of mixed media. Seeds are available in the field priorpreviously excavated soil around the tree approximately ± 10 cm from the base of the stem as deep as ± 20 -30 cm, so most of the volume of the roots are not severed. Transfer to pot canperformed in the afternoon. Done moved plants watered with water.When planting is done directly in the yard, one month beforeplanting, the plant has been prepared hole. Aperture of ± 60 x 60 x 60 cm.After two weeks in advance enter the land of the bottom, and then layeredpedestal is filled with a mixture of such pots. After one week, then the plants fromnursery moved to a hole that we have prepared. Plants are baremoved watered every evening, when no rain.3. FertilizationFertilization is the first in the field or in pots or planting done simultaneouslyno longer than 30 days after planting. Giving as much as 0.25 kg of fertilizer NPK fertilizerplus 1 tablespoon Furadan or Curater - 3G, by sowingsurrounds the seeds with a diameter of ± 10 cm from the seed.Fertilization is given twice a year, ie at the beginning and end of seasonrainy, each half the dose at the base. Method of fertilizer application withsprinkled into the pant as deep as 20 cm in diameter around the tree correspondwith the diameter of the tree canopy, then covered the ground.4. PruningTrimming the leatherback is indispensable for the formation of the canopy,facilitate harvest and to stimulate flowering and fruit enlargement. Baseddestination and time of implementation, there are three kinds of pruning, iepruning to shape the tree, trimming branches and twigs that growirregular, and pruning to rejuvenate the plants that were old.4.1. Trimming FormPruning for tree formation, performed on plantsthat has not been productive, aged 2-3 years. The goal is to establishbranching regularly and prevent the growth of trees rising.Thus it would be easier for wrapping fruit in scatharvest.End of the main stem is cut at a height of 1.5 to 2 meters ofsoil surface. Allow 3-4 primary branches grow lush and whatelongated. In subsequent growth, Edge cabana earlier primarycut the leaves along the 30 - 50 cm. Furthermore, aftergrowing buds on primary branches (called secondary branches), leftgrows 2-3 secondary branches. Once grown, cut the bud withleaves along the 30 - 50 cm. Every time trimming, surfacecultivated sloping branch to prevent decay branch. Withwill thus obtained form a wide canopy of trees, withregular branching.4.2. Trimming Branches and LeavesPruning shoots that grow at the base and the middle branchand the tip of the branch carried out continuously, setup 1-2 months.The goal is that sunlight can enter the crown canopy, soreduce humidity. Besides it is also to increase the benefitsthe use of foodstuffs to produce growth and fruitlarger.4.3. Rejuvenation pruningPruning is usually carried out on trees aged morethan 10 years, whose production began to decline. The main stem is cuttilted at an altitude of 60-70 cm from the ground. Arrangementbranches that grow new, follow the ways of trimmingform.Sometimes, along with the rejuvenation want to dosplicing by grafting with cultivars that are better than treesbase. This can be done given the nature of regeneration and recombinationthe leatherback is very good. In fact, recombination of some cultivars aregrafting at the base of one tree can be done.5. Fruit PackagingWrapping the fruit aims to protect the fruit from fruit fly attackand to improve fruit quality. Fruit flies can cause losses up to100%. Insects eat many kinds of plants, so that in locations withvarious fruit trees such as jackfruit, guava, rambutan, banana andso, the insects are most of the year.Female flies lay eggs in the fruit flesh. Larvae will suck the liquidthe fruit so the fruit to rot and fall. Done at the time of fruit wrappingfruit size for the thumb finger. In one series, selected fruit skewersshape and best growth. Packing materials used in the form of two layers of carbonthe tip and base tied tall. Carambola is wrapped with this materiallooks very attractive, bright fruit warns. Carambola Goddess will be coloredyellow orange and shiny, while the periphery belimbingan is yellow.Clean fruit and attractive appearance, free from pollution. Weakness,maturity of the fruit is difficult to detect. Other wrapping materials, the plastic bag (PE).The bottom of the plastic cut to prevent high humidity. Can also be usedbanana leaf keying, but this material is difficult to obtain in Jakarta.6. Prevention and Eradication of Plant Pest Organisms (OPT)Pests that are so damaging is the fruit fly (Bractocera dorsalis). This pestattacking the fruit from the young to cook. Female flies lay eggs intothe fruit flesh. Shaped fruit that looks stricken black spots and decay, inIt contains the larvae suck the juice, the fruit will eventually fall. Insoil surface, pupae develop into flies that touched generations.Means of prevention is to wrap fruit, and garden sanitation. Fruitthe fall destroyed. In addition to farmers usually do foggingrepel many pests. Another alternative is to use traps attraktanMethyl Eugenol, in order to attract male insects to be trapped. According to the research,use of oil containing 76% melaleuka Methyl Eugenol drippedof 0.5 ml on cotton in the trap, with intervals of 2 weeks,effective enough to reduce the attack of fruit flies by 10%. Schemefruit fly traps are in appendix.Another pest that is often detrimental to the moths of the family Pyralidae.Butterfly white black brindle. Moth foraging onnight. Eggs are laid inside the fruit in a way to dredge the fruit flesh. at onceeat it. How is it prevented by wrapping the fruit.7. HarvestTo get a balk fruit quality, fruit is harvested when fully ripe. WayThe best harvest is picking a way to climb a tree or usingladder. Harvesting should be done with caution, given the soft flesh of the fruit,easy bruising and if the injury will brownish color. Fruit harvested withcutting the fruit stalk, without unwrapping the fruit. Then the fruit is placedcarefully in the room with a roof, for post-harvest handling. Whennormal winter conditions, during the first year of harvest can be done 3 times. Fruit productionreach 600-900 fruit per tree / year with an average fruit weight 250-300 grams.
POST-HARVESTMarketing starfruit in Jakarta is quite bright. Carambola sold since thecurb, traditional markets, to the supermarket. Every means of marketing,demanding price and quality in accordance with consumer tastes. Star fruit production in the capitalJakarta should be directed to consumers who demand high quality, soselling price is high. To produce quality fruit, then pre-treatmentharvest, post harvest, ranging from sorting, grading to packaging needscarried out intensively. At the time of writing this manuscript, October 1998, the price of onestar fruit growers of high quality at the site of Rp. 1200/buah, while prices insupermarkets reached Rp. 2000/buah.1. Sorting and GradingImmediately after harvest at a roofed room with air circulationBalk, wrap the fruit is opened carefully. Fruit is damaged mechanically orpest problems, are separated. Only minus fruit marketed fresh. After that,pieces are grouped according to size and phase of the cook. Fruits with large size(250-300 g) and full mature phase, are separated for sale to supermarkets.During the 24 hours may occur slightly change the color and flavor. After that, practicallyan increase in sweetness. The fruit is smaller (150-250 g) and maturityfull can be marketed to traditional markets, while the fruit is smaller, withthat was a full fledged separate as mechanical damage or disturbanceOPT can be further processed to juice and so on.2. Washing and PackagingFruit is elected to the supermarket carefully washed one by onewith running water, then drained. If there is still a trickle of water, wiped withsoft tissue. Usually a number of 3-4 pieces placed on a styrofoam container,then wrapped with plastic film. In this way the evaporation of water from the fruitinhibited, so that the shrinkage of the fruit can be slowed, the product will look moreinteresting and more hygienic.3. StorageCarambola that have been packed can be stored at room temperature 10 -15 ° C for 7 days, without lowering the quality of freshness and fruit. Ifstorage at room temperature (30 ° C), the fruit will look shriveled and colorlessbrownish. We recommend storage at room temperature in a closed containerplastic film, no more than 3 days.

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